Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Pictoral Posting of Cow Camp Trading Post

Finally the pictures are uploaded and I'm able to sit down and chat about the great time we had in Elko! We saw many familiar faces as well as meeting many new ones. It's so fun to see how people and families grow from year to year. This was my 5th year with Vickie and I finally remembered to take a camera! I thought maybe it would be nice to catch shots of the venue and show you some of the good times we have in Nevada. So without further ado, here is what happened in our little room during the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering.

Vickie & Lee Mullen
(aka. "The owner" & "spouse of the owner")

Vickie and the mystery man
trying to find her best camera angle and lighting.
By the looks of the rest of these pictures, maybe
I should have practiced longer!

Taking a moment during some down time to
shoot the breeze with the ladies at the
Double H Ranch & Hansen Bit and Spur.
The boss lady indulging me with some
pictures of her with her friends.
Vickie with Red Steagall

Ian wanted his picture taken in front of the slots.

Ernie Sites decided to take a walk across the street
from where he was performing to pay us a little visit.

One of my family's personal favorites,
Dave Stamey, dropped in for a visit.

The hot new man out of Canada, Corb Lund.

Vickie and C.J. Hadley, Editor of "Range Magazine"

Should anyone trust what is said between two artists?
I guess it's a safe bet when it's Todd Hansen
of Hansen Bit & Spur and Mark Dahl.

The Southwest corner of Cow Camp Trading Post
Looking into The Old Frontier Clothing Co. booth

Southeast we see Joelle Smith art and
Rocky Mountain Hat Company

Looking Northeast,
Oh look, Vickie was in the room!
Must have been after 11 a.m. ;)

And now to the Northwest. Yes, I was dizzy
after my twirl around the room!

Thanks to all of you that made this weekend a success! We are looking forward to seeing you all again next year. And for those of you that were not able to be there, you sure missed out on a lot of good times. (and we didn't even have to catch a show or stay up to late to have it. Or at least I didn't, who knows what time Vickie got in!)